Lots of people are currently searching online for; Croosh.co reviews, Is Croosh.co target reviewer legit? Well, sorry to burst your bubbles, Croosh.co is not a legit site to apply for Target product reviewer job. Whatever you do as a job seeker, beware of fake remote job opportunities advertised as the real deal. Fraudsters often impersonate legit brands, using their logo, product inventories and even similar website design.
What is the Croosh.co Scam?
Croosh.co is a brand impersonation scam disguised as a legit work from home opportunity. The website claims people can earn $750 for submitting a review, but it actually steals and sell people’s information to big data companies.

How The Croosh.co Scam Target Reviewer Works
The scam starts when you click on ‘Apply Now’ on the site. You’ll be redirected to different websites and finally asked some questions. At the process, your email address, telephone number, will be requested and you’ll be made to tick a terms and conditions box. By so doing, you’re giving the fraudsters permission to sell your information. This info include your – email address, IP address, browser type, cookies, device type, operating system, buying preferences and online behaviours.
Though you don’t provide a ton of information, you subscribe to a bunch of daily emails, which in and of themselves aren’t suspicious, but might be several phishing sites waiting for your information.
There’s no mention about the Target Reviewer job or how to get it.
Croosh.co Red Flags
Not Affiliated With Target
Croosh.co is not an official Target job website. In fact, there’s only one website for Target job application and it is jobs.target.com, every other website out there is selling you a big fat lie.
Recently Registered:
According to who.is (a website that gives accurate information on websites creation date) croosh.co was registered on 18th March 2024, and the registration was done anonymously.
Formerly Known as Testoutbasics.com
Croosh.co was formerly testoutbasics.com The design of the scam websites mimic that of the official Amazon website — this is done so people are more likely to believe that it is legitimate (which it is not).
Solutions for Victims of This Scam
If you’ve already visited croosh.co and clicked a bunch of links, here’s what to do;
Check Your Device for Viruses and Malware – Since you visited lots of malicious websites, it is important that you install anti-virus software and scan your device for viruses that may have been downloaded.
Monitor your email – Over the next few days and weeks you’re going to receive a lot of emails that may likely end up in your spam folder. Endeavour to flag it as spam and report any suspicious email that appears on your Inbox. Also, do not click on any link attached in it as it could be a phishing attempt.
See latest alert – 213 area code scam