Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

2 Reasons Why You’ve an Unordered Package from Geathers Fottys 3646 S Wolcott Avenue Chicago

You must have received a package that has ‘Geathers Fottys, 3646 S Wolcott Ave. Chicago,IL60609’ written on it. You’re probably wondering who the hell is the person and why you’ve a package from them.

The short answer to this question is ‘You’re a victim of brushing scam or a bait and switch scam’. This article exposes who Geathers Fottys is, the scam behind the packages and actions to take.

Who is Geathers Fottys?

Geathers Fottys is just a pseudo name used by the scammers behind this unordered package scam. The fraudsters operate under different aliases ‘Deathers Bottys‘ ‘Adelaide’, e.t.c They use the names to create the impression that they’re a real person or online seller whereas they’re crooks operating an elaborate scam.

Who Lives at 3646 South Wolcott, Chicago, IL 60609, USA?

There’s no one living at ‘3646 South Wolcott, Chicago, IL 60609, USA‘. It’s a vacant multi family home that isn’t connected to the unordered package scam. If you’re thinking of driving up to the location to speak with the person residing there, you wouldn’t meet anyone.

Why You’ve an Unordered Package from Geathers Fottys

You might receive a package even when you had not ordered anything from online. This Geathers Fottys scam is called brushing, and it has been popping up all over the world ever since the birth of e-commerce.

The retailers sending these items are either doing it to amass positive reviews (buying it themselves and leaving reviews), to increase their sales numbers (yes they sent it out to you for free, they however know that people may likely return it). Often, the items received are lightweight and inexpensive to ship, such as ping pong balls, or more recently, face masks or seeds from China”

On the other hand, you could receive a weird package from Geathers Fottys after shopping from an online store advertised on social media. This is called Bait and Switch scam. It targets victims via Social media Ads, use discount sales to lure them, get them to place an order online, and then send cheap items different from what was ordered.

For example, Seller A pretends to sell scooters online for a 50% discount. The offer pulls in lots of buyers who place an order hoping to receive the scooters. In order to claim the total money and escape chargeback from PayPal or credit card companies, Seller A sends cheap items then forwards the tacking info to the customers.

When customers don’t receive the scooters and demand for a refund, Seller A sends the tracking info as ‘proof’ to PayPal or credit card companies. Claiming the item has been delivered. That way it’s almost impossible for victims of the scam to get a refund.

Why it’s bad news for you

The fact that someone was able to have the items sent to you as if you purchased them indicates that they probably have some of your personal information such as your name, address, and possibly, your phone number. Once the information is out there on the internet, it could be used for numerous crooked enterprises.

What To Do

If you didn’t order anything online yet have a package from ‘Deathers Bottys’, you’re a victim of brushing scam. In this scenario, the best actions to take are these;

  •  Immediately notify your post office and make an effort to return the packages to avoid being accused of theft. 
  • Report to the police as your data is currently available to scammers online.
  • ‍Be wary of scammers who will try to reach out to you pretending that the products were sent to them by mistake. They may try to intimidate you into sending them money to pay for the items or even offer to show up at the address to take possession themselves.
  • Monitor your mail for any more unsolicited packages.

On the other hand, if you had ordered something from an online merchant and receive the unordered package from Deathers Bottys, take the following actions;

Cancel your credit card

Immediately call your financial provider and cancel your credit card. By so doing, the credit card details you used for your transaction on the scam store would become null and void. That way, the scammers wouldn’t be able to place future charges on it.

Request for a new card

After the old credit card has been cancelled, ask for a new card, it doesn’t cost much to get one.Your credit card issuer will issue you a new one with different numbers.

Report the Fraud To Relevant Authorities

Report the scam to relevant authorities and organizations. This includes:

  • Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): If you are in the United States, you can file a complaint with the IC3 at
  • Your Local Consumer Protection Agency: Contact your local consumer protection agency or the equivalent regulatory body in your country.
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB): File a complaint with the BBB if the online store is based in the United States.

Tips for Spotting Online Shopping Scams

Aside from the obvious too good to be true discount sale, here are other ways to identify a scam website;

Check Website Registration Age

How old is the website? The domain age of a website tells a lot about a store’s legitimacy or transparency. Websites below 6 months old are often considered unsafe. You can find out a website’s age by checking on ( a free domain checker tool)

Find Out If The Website Has SSL Encryption

find out if the website is secured with SSL encryption. (https and padlock symbols). If the padlock symbol doesn’t appear near the website’s URL, then it means your personal and financial information is at risk at the store.

Verify The Business Address

Does The website provide return address? If Yes (Copy the address and paste on your browser. Google map would show if it is a real warehouse address or a residential address) If the address has also been used by other websites you’d see reviews in search results.

Search For Reviews Online

Are there customer reviews online? (It is advised that you sit it out if there are no customer reviews of the store. However if you’re not patient enough to wait you can send a mail to us to verify if the store is legit)

By Samantha

I am Samantha, a Cyber Security enthusiast. I kicked off my passion as a Cyber Fraud Researcher during the Covid19 pandemic when I saw lots of people falling victims to fraudulent websites pretending to sell disinfectants, masks and wipes. Since then, I've helped thousands of people avoid being scammed by providing timely alerts on trending scams and tips on how to stay protected.

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