The TV show about the Duane Ollinger ‘s family who bought the massive 160-acre Utah plot known as Blind Frog Ranch is fake. There have been too many inconsistencies, historical inaccuracies, scientific fallacies, etc., to make it even remotely real.

Why Its Fake
Paranormal activities happen to be the kicker of the show. The local folklore mentions Skinwalkers, and the show ran with it. No proper material or anything to make their obvious tricks even a little believable.
Secondly, the suits used in the show which are meant to prevent a supposed 2Sv/hr. radiation aren’t airtight which actually shows a lack of due diligence.
There are also a lot of fallacies on this show that isn’t even remotely possible. Take for instance the cave floors that are flat and also clean.
Any underground mined tunnel will be rough and strewn with rocks, especially on the floor unless someone went ahead to clean it up or it is actually fake.
The location is always different even in-scene. One instance they’re in muddy water and the next they’re in very clear underwater.
Most importantly, cast members on this show are terrible actors. They can’t act a proper convincing scene to save their lives.
The Truth About The Blind Frog Ranch
There is a slight possibility that the Aztec gold is indeed buried somewhere on the range but that is as real as it gets.
Every other thing is likely orchestrated by a production company making a copy of The Curse of Oak Island to taste the fame it has achieved.
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