Grace-bags is an online e-commerce platform that claims to sell high-quality leather bags at jaw-dropping discounts. In this review, I’ll walk you through all the red flags I discovered so that you are better informed and can determine whether it’s worth buying from or not.

Overview of
At first glance, appears to be a legitimate e-commerce platform that sells authentic leather bags at discounted prices- far below the market value and among competitors. However, this is just a careful rebranding and repackaging campaign as most customers complained of receiving low-quality leather, damaged goods, or cheap plastic instead of the leather that was advertised. In some cases, no item is sent and there’s no way to contact them as no reliable contact information is provided.
This fraudulent site uses incredibly low prices, stolen product images, and words like “ending soon” to physically and psychologically entice unsuspecting shoppers. When a customer tries to return the inferior goods they’re instructed to return them to an obscure location in Asia with the customer bearing the high cost of shipping with no money-back guarantee.
Red flags of
Unrealistic discounts: Whenever a site offers huge discounts [up to 90%] especially when it’s a new site, this should ring warning bells. Genuine businesses typically offer this type of discount during special occasions or clearance sales.
Deceptive marketing: The use of catchy slogans like ‘Warehouse Sale’, ‘Limited Time Deals’, and ‘Going Out of Business’ to lure victims to their fake stores. They exploit social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok by using professional-looking ads to attract people. In fact, everything is fabricated to exploit human psychology – the countdown timers, claims of limited quantities, and urgent calls to act now. This plants the idea that it’s a legit but limited-time opportunity.
No social media presence: This may not seem like a big deal at first, but in this day and age, any online retailer that doesn’t have a social media presence is either not business-minded or a scam.
Multiple websites: While carrying out my research I found out that there are other websites with very similar names, and I suspect they’re all linked to each other. Scammers tend to do this in order to always have a backup site in case one or more gets taken down.
No contact information provided: They only offer an email address as their point of contact. The absence of a Mobile number, live-chat option, or any address of their location is a red flag as most legit sites provide other means that their customers can reach out to them in order to have a pleasurable shopping experience.
Domain: The site was registered on 17 August 2024 and has been barely up for three months. A site this new has no business with offering a discount that high.
Too many positive reviews: This site boasts of over a thousand positive reviews but a glance at independent platforms like Trustpilot shows that over 80% of its reviews are negative with customers complaining of either not receiving their products or receiving poor quality products. This stands to reason that the reviews on their websites are fake.

Extremely low prices: They offer suspicious and unrealistic prices for their bags. While discounts aren’t bad, such steep and inconsistent discounts are signs of a scam website.
Generic Websites/Images: Their website design, content, and images look generic and similar to many scam websites. The site looks and feels sketchy.
Refund policy: A trusted business has pretty straightforward refund policies, but Grace-Bags makes theirs very complicated and hard to access. This must be a way to discourage disgruntled customers from returning bad products they’re displeased with. Attempts to contact the company about erroneous or missing items are met with silence or claims that “the order was confirmed” already. They provide no way to return wrong items and staunchly refuse to issue refunds.
After my research and taking into consideration all the red flags the site has, I’ve concluded that is a fraudulent online store that you should avoid at all costs. This scam website will either send you counterfeit or inferior goods, or nothing at all. I advise you to stay away from this dishonest website. Do not fall for the attractive discounts that are used to bait you. The product images are not genuine, and the customer service is nonexistent. You can protect yourself by avoiding and similar sites. Do not waste time or money shopping at!
What to do if you got scammed
If you have fallen victim to this scam, you should take immediate action to protect yourself and your money. Here are some steps that you can take:
- Contact your financial provider– Alert your bank/financial provider and ask to dispute charges based on the grounds of fraud. You should also cancel your card to prevent further fraudulent purchases.
- File a complaint – Report the fraud to the FTC Federal Trade Commission], IC3 [Internet Crime Complaint Center], and BBB [Better Business Bureau]. You should also provide any relevant records.
- Leave online reviews – Post details of the scam on consumer review sites like Trustpilot to warn others.
- Ask for a refund – If you paid with your credit card, request a chargeback. For wire transfers, contact the recipient bank to possibly reverse it. Remember to provide all information about the scam.
- Check credit reports – Request credit reports to check for any accounts opened fraudulently using your information. Consider placing a credit freeze if needed.
Being vigilant against shopping scams and acting quickly when scammed can help limit the impact of financial and identity theft. Report it to help authorities investigate and shut down scam sites that are still active.
How to Avoid Online Shopping Scams
When shopping online, always vet sites carefully before purchasing or submitting personal data. Watch for these red flags:
- No social media presence is the first red flag on whether a business is legitimate or not. If there are no social media accounts, then there’s a high chance that you’re dealing with scammers.
- Huge discounts of over 50% for no actual/meaningful reason. Genuine brands only offer discounts on occasions like black Friday, business anniversary, etc.
- Limited or no contact information. This reeks of a lack of professionalism and a scam. Even if a business is legit but they don’t have contact details or customer support, one should be wary of patronizing them.
- Catchy ads lines like “clearance sale” and “closing soon” should be an immediate red flag. Use the general rule of thumb, “If it looks too good to be true, it probably is”.
- New domain/website. Recently created websites should be a determining factor on your shopping journey especially if it looks generic and unprofessional in any way. Check for spelling mistakes and generic pictures.
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