Thu. Aug 29th, 2024

Robert Downey Jr. Casino App Scam: Fake AI Videos Trick People

By maria Jul22,2024

Robert Downey Jr. did not endorse the Sweet Bonanza App, it’s all a scam. A scam video ad is spreading on Facebook and Instagram, showing a fake CNN broadcast. It falsely claims that Robert Downey Jr. endorsed a casino mobile app to help people make money easily. The video is not real.

Fake Casino App Scam

This scam operates on and uses deepfake videos of CNN anchor Kate Bolduan and Robert Downey Jr. to deceive people.

The app is available on Google Play and is called “Sweet Bonanza Jump”. However this app does not exist, and any reviews you see are fake.

Did Robert Downey Create This App

No, Downey never created a casino app called Sweet Bonanza Jump for Google Play. It’s all fake, so don’t be fooled. We found no evidence that he’s promoting an app that lets people earn money, as the post claims

How To Spot Fake Video Ads Created With Deepfake AI 

Aside from the usual poor lip-syncing, robotic-sounding voices, strange word pronunciations, and digital background noise of Deepfake constructed videos, here are things to watch out for; 

  • Watch out for unnatural facial expressions and awkward facial-feature positioning: If someone’s face is pointing one way and their nose is pointing another, it clearly indicates something is off.
  • Look out for Unnatural eye movementa lack of eye movement, such as an absence of blinking — are red flags.
  • Has zero emotion that doesn’t go along with what they’re supposedly saying. For example, a lack of enthusiam in the Robert Downey Jr. Deepfake video is one red flag we noticed.
  • Teeth that don’t look real: An absence of outlines of individual teeth could be a clue that a particular video is created with deepfake technology.

Also read: Balaayah Black Gram Body Booster

By maria

I'm Maria, a journalist. I fact-check and provide accurate information on trending topics. Prior to working on Infoquu, I worked as a Research Analyst for organizations.

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