Fri. Aug 23rd, 2024

Turonu Bee Venom Claims To Remove Tags- Does It Work

By maria Aug23,2024

Can the Turonu Bee Venom get rid of warts and skin tags in just 3 days? Does it remove and repair skin tone as promised? These are the claims made by Turonu Bee Venom, but with mixed messages and unclear information, it’s hard to know what’s true. This article will help you decide.

About The Turonu Bee Venom

Sold for $16.83 on Amazon, the Turonu Bee Venom claims to get rid of warts and skin tags. The manufacturers are selling it as a magic potion that gets rid of skin tags and makes your skin look amazing. But when you check out what’s inside, there’s nothing that’s really known to get rid of tags and warts.

The Ingredients

The ingredients inside include: Bee venom, 5% salicylic acid, medlaleuca Alternifolia, Arborvitae leaf extract, Borneol.

Customer Experience So Far

A lot of customers were unhappy with their purchase. Many complained that it comes in tiny containers, even though the pictures make it look bigger. On top of that, the product doesn’t seem to work at all, leaving people disappointed.

Concerns About The Turonu Bee Venom

Unclear Manufacturing Claims

The manufacturers claim this product is made in NIH-approved labs in the U.S., but there’s no proof. They also claim it comes from different cities in the UK, which just makes things more confusing.

No Official Website

There’s no official website to give us real information about the product. It’s only found on third-party websites and Amazon, making it hard to trust.

Questionable Results

The product’s website promises that skin tags will fall off in 3 days, but that far from the truth. When we checked Amazon reviews, they were all negative, and no one mentioned the tags falling off that quickly, which makes the claim hard to believe.

Does Not Work

The Turonu Bee Venom does not work as advertised. There is no scientific evidence backing the effectiveness of bee venom in removal of warts and mole. Meanwhile, on a 2022 post, the FDA is advising consumers to avoid these products because of their potentially harmful side effects and serious risks.

Side Effects

Real people who tried this cream have left lots of negative reviews on Aside from not seeing any positive result after using the patches, there were side effects like; skin irritation, soreness, etc.

While it might seem like a simple and cheap solution, the cons definitely outweigh the pros

What Happens When You Buy Turonu Bee Venom ?

The Turonu Bee Venom won’t help you get rid skin tags or mole weight as claimed. A lot of people who use this product may experience redness, itching, and swelling at the site of application. Aside from receiving a product that doesn’t work, buyers could also be a victim of;

  • Unauthorized credit charges from the websites selling this product
  • No product delivered
  • Fake tracking Info
  • Overpadded bill during checkout

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By maria

I'm Maria, a journalist. I fact-check and provide accurate information on trending topics. Prior to working on Infoquu, I worked as a Research Analyst for organizations.

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